Study on the quality of municipal reception for displaced persons from Ukraine: Key Issues and OPORA's Perspective
Study on the quality of municipal reception for displaced persons from Ukraine: Key Issues and OPORA's Perspective
Study on the quality of municipal reception for displaced persons from Ukraine: Key Issues and OPORA's Perspective
Study on the quality of municipal reception for displaced persons from Ukraine: Key Issues and OPORA's Perspective

Study on the quality of municipal reception for displaced persons from Ukraine: Key Issues and OPORA's Perspective

Feb 11, 2025
Feb 11, 2025




The national report,“Study on the quality of municipal reception for displaced persons from Ukraine” ("Onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van gemeentelijke opvang voor ontheemden uit Oekraïne"), commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and Security, provides a critical assessment of housing, healthcare, and integration challenges faced by Ukrainian displaced persons (UDPs). This study highlights significant disparities in municipal reception facilities, emphasising gaps in housing quality, access to healthcare (particularly mental health services), and employment stability (Ministry of Justice and Security, 2023).

As stated by the report’s authors, these challenges create a precarious reality for UDPs, who, without access to secure housing and adequate healthcare, remain in limbo, unable to advance their economic and labor participation. The findings of this national study strongly overlap with OPORA’s research, reinforcing the urgent need for systemic improvements in reception policies. Reports such as the Amsterdam Private Housing Report, the Dutch Red Cross Needs Assessment, and the Employment Barriers Study with the Verwey-Jonker Institute have documented similar barriers to long-term stability and integration.

A key concern identified in both OPORA’s research and the national report is the connection between unstable housing and deteriorating mental health, which in turn affects educational and employment opportunities for displaced Ukrainians.

Development: Key Issues and OPORA’s Findings

Living Conditions, Safety, and Basic Needs

The national report confirms that reception conditions for UDPs vary widely depending on location and municipal resources. Housing arrangements range from converted office buildings and nursing homes to flex houses and holiday homes, resulting in major inequalities (Amsterdam Private Housing Report, OPORA Foundation, 2023).

A core issue remains the lack of transparency in room allocation, leading to frustration and mistrust among UDPs. Many are unclear about how placement decisions are made, and some perceive preferential treatment in assignments (Reception Site Conditions and Security Risks Report, OPORA Foundation, 2023). Municipalities cite time pressure and limited resources as reasons for suboptimal placements, but this does little to address UDP concerns.

Beyond housing type, overall reception conditions vary significantly regarding safety, hygiene, and access to basic needs. Many reception sites experience security incidents, including alcohol and drug abuse, interpersonal conflicts, unauthorized visits, and physical violence. UDPs housed in shared accommodations report feeling significantly less safe, citing privacy concerns and conflicts with other residents (Dutch Red Cross Needs Assessment, 2023).

Sanitation and food services have also been major points of concern in many reception centers. According to the national report:

  • 37% of UDPs report poor or very poor hygiene conditions in reception sites (Dutch Red Cross Needs Assessment, 2023).

  • Catered meals receive frequent complaints regarding low quality and lack of dietary accommodations, leading to a sense of lost autonomy over food choices (Amsterdam Private Housing Report, OPORA Foundation, 2023).

  • UDPs with dietary restrictions due to medical, religious, or personal reasons often struggle to access appropriate meal options

Poor housing and reception conditions directly contribute to worsening mental health outcomes, particularly when combined with a lack of privacy, overcrowding, and frequent relocations (Reception Site Conditions and Security Risks Report, OPORA Foundation, 2023). Ensuring better housing quality, safety, hygiene, and access to nutritious food is critical for maintaining health and dignity in reception facilities.

Healthcare and Psychological Support Barriers

Access to healthcare and psychological support is highly inconsistent. While GP services are available at most reception sites, shortages persist in smaller municipalities, making it difficult for UDPs to access basic medical care.

The most urgent healthcare gap remains mental health support, which is severely lacking. OPORA’s Empatia Program Mental Health Report (2023) has documented that:

  • 43% of UDPs report inadequate access to psychological support (Dutch Red Cross Needs Assessment, 2023).

  • Waiting times for trauma-informed therapy are excessively long (Amsterdam Private Housing Report" (OPORA Foundation, 2023).

  • There are too few Ukrainian-speaking professionals, creating additional barriers to care (Amsterdam Private Housing Report, OPORA Foundation, 2023).

Many displaced Ukrainians remain uncertain about where to seek psychological support, and stigma discourages them from seeking care even when it is available (Barriers to Employment and Long-Term Integration Report, OPORA Foundation, 2023).

Furthermore, UDPs experiencing housing instability, repeated relocations, and job insecurity report significantly higher levels of psychological distress, increasing the risk of long-term mental health deterioration (Employment Barriers Study, Verwey-Jonker Institute & OPORA Foundation, 2023).

Without systematic policy changes, these gaps will continue to undermine the well-being and integration potential of displaced Ukrainians.


The effects of housing instability and poor mental health extend beyond individual well-being—they create significant barriers to education and employment.

Children in unstable housing situations struggle to access and remain in school, as frequent relocations disrupt their education. The Dutch Red Cross Needs Assessment (2023) highlights that while 94% of municipalities provide school access, transportation difficulties prevent many children from attending. Furthermore, 68% of UDPs feel that there are not enough activities for children in reception centers, limiting their social and educational development (Amsterdam Private Housing Report, OPORA Foundation, 2023).

For adults, poor mental health is a major obstacle to securing and maintaining employment. The Employment Barriers Study (OPORA & Verwey-Jonker Institute) found that many displaced Ukrainians work in low-wage jobs despite holding university degrees. Career mobility is severely limited by language barriers and bureaucratic obstacles, and uncertainty regarding the Temporary Protection Directive’s 2025 expiration discourages long-term career planning.

More broadly, living conditions, safety, and access to healthcare are fundamental determinants of long-term educational and employment outcomes. Without addressing these systemic challenges, effective labor market participation—an essential priority for Dutch policymakers—remains out of reach.

Employment instability contributes to stress, anxiety, and long-term economic insecurity. A clearer legal framework for employment rights, job mobility, and long-term residency pathways is needed to support UDP economic stability.


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