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Our Publications

Welcome to our Publications page, where knowledge meets impact. At OPORA Foundation, we firmly believe in the power of sharing information and insights to foster understanding and inspire action. Here, you'll find a wealth of resources created by our dedicated team of professionals, academics, and tech experts. Our publications encompass in-depth research, evidence-based policy proposals, comprehensive reports, and insightful articles, all centered around the plight and potential of displaced communities.


Displaced people

from Ukraine living

in the Netherlands

December 2022

Particuliere opvang Oekraïense

ontheemden in Rotterdam

June 2023

Displaced people from Ukraine Residing in Private Housing in Amsterdam

Nov 2022 - Mar 2023

Accommodation for Displaced People from Ukraine in the Netherlands

December 2023

 Resilience and Ingenuity: 

Young Ukrainians’ Experiences of Emergency Education 

February 2023

Hoe gaat het met Oekraïense vluchtelingen op de arbeidsmarkt?

December 2023

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